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Saturday 11 July 2009

On a quest to find Humf, the cutest furry thing ever toys and dvd's

Ok, so everyday, I have to sit and watch the look of utter confusion on my 2yr old's face, the look that i get, that is, after the episode of HUMF, is finished. "More mommy, more mommy, HUMF gone", aaawww, bless him, he brings me the remote and somehow thinks that i can magically make more HUMF appear, you see i unfortunately don't have a recordable sky so once its finished, its finished, and to be honest with you, I'm a bit sad too, as I DO THINK THAT HUMF IS DEFINATELY THE CUTEST LITTLE FURRY THING EVER TO HIT OUR TV SCREENS....yes, I'm 33yrs old, but who cares, who wouldn't agree with me, i mean, just listen to that little voice, its adorable, and the concentration on my sons face is priceless, he doesn't budge for even a second from that TV if HUMF is on, and i have to admit, after having the remote shoved into my hand over 10 times a day with that little face asking me for "more HUMF mommy", i just knew i needed to do something, and something fast....so that's what this is all about, i am on the hunt for HUMF....I did my tour around town, repeating myself to all the store staff, "DO YOU STOCK HUMF DVDS"...."sorry, but no we don't and i don't think you will find them anywhere else either", aaaaaarrrggg, but i didn't give up, after a long haul around every store i though could possibly have something, anything, even a poster, come on, something, i finally convinced myself that this was an impossible task, i was on a loosing mission here, so brain storm, GOOGLE, i eagerly punched in HUMF and all i got was a few repeat episodes, which my little one thought was amazing, he sat infront of the computer for a whole 30min watching repeat after repeat, his little voice calling me hastely as they ended, "more mommy, more". Boy was i disappointed, all i found were some iron on stickers, which are cute, but still not good enough, we want DVDs and teddy's, anyone, please, can someone hurry up with this already....I sat here last night emailing a few people who are the "creators" of HUMF, oh and by the way my hubby thinks its hilarious how adamant i am with this, he couldnt believe i was typing away to the top noches, tells me to be patient, "yeah right", humf is new, manufacturers are still working on it he tells me, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do :) and i know it will put alot of smiles on thousands of little faces, so im hoping to hear from them soon with regards to when this launch is going to take place, by the looks of things, the HUMF launch is going to be bigger than Elvis, lol....so this blog is my update blog, anyone who is as mission seeking as myself and who wants to know the outcome of my HUMF search, oh boy, i hope all this work is going to pay off, then keep watching this space....gee, the things we do for our kids :)


Unknown said...

i actually glad what you did! I was same as you and tried to find any DVDs or merchandise of Humf. My 22 month old daughter is exactly the same as your son and asked me "more Humf!!!!" after the show. Hopefully Humf DVDs and merchandise are coming out soon..... Thank you for your effort!

Tracy said...

only a pleasure...thanks for the comment, makes me feel my search is appreciated by someone else rather than my 2yr old, lol...take care and keep checking, i havent given up just yet....:)

laura said...

i agree. my 3 yr old son loves humf. and he keeps asking for a humf teddy bear for christmas. hopefully they will make some before christmas arrives...

Tracy said...

I have the same problem, my little one wants EVERYTHING HUMF, lol....lets hold thumbs that they do decided to bring some toys ect out before 2010 then.... take care, t x

Alison said...

Thank you for your quest, I'm on a similar mission and have emailed anyone remotely connected to the programme. But no luck so far!

Alison said...

Email received today - should we bombard her?

Dear Alison,

Many thanks for your recent email enquiry regarding Humf.

We are delighted to hear your positive feedback and hope that your Son continues to enjoy the series.

Unfortunately there are not any consumer lines launched at the moment, but we are hoping to have product available in 2010 after the show has aired.

In the meantime, please do keep a look out on Amazon.com and Nick JR, or contact me again and hopefully we will have lots of goodies available for purchase!

Kind regards
Gemma Church
Production & Development Assistant - E1 Kids
DDI: 020 7907 3755
E1 Kids UK | 120 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6XX
Tel: 020 7907 3773 | Fax: 020 7907 3777

Tracy said...

Hi Alison, yup, i think we should....banners outside Gemma's office tomorrow, lol.... so nice to see there are more keen moms out there....was starting to think it was just me until i did this little blog....take care.... :)

Terri said...

Oh my word i can't believe i have just seen this!! My little boy is absolutely mad on humf and wants a humf computer for xmas! LOL! I keep trying to tell him that they don't have any merchandise anywhere for humf yet let alone a humf computer! Each time i tell him he becomes more disappointed! I understand what gemma is saying but the show is on air now and with xmas coming up it would be better to have merchandise on sale now! Please keep me updated if you find out any more info! Thought i was the only one!! Thanks

Tracy said...

Hi Terri, aaaaw, that is too cute, a humf computer....:) I dont think King Rollo expected the program to be such a massive, instant hit, they are saying only 2010 for manufacturing of any humf products, which is such a long time away especially when the little ones wake up christmas morning and wonder why santa never brought them what they asked for, lol....my little boy wants humf "everything" for christmas so im gonna have to really come up with a huge excuse as to why santa is not delivering humf toys this year....i will definately leave an update as soon as i hear anything....nice to see more and more people are as anxious as myself for humf to hit the stores. take care

Melissa said...

Hello Tracy and other mums! Glad to hear there are other mothers out there who have kids that are desperate for Humf toys! I too looked high and low for a cuddly Humf teddy for my little boy (Humf's no. 1 fan!) and with no luck either I decided to make him one and he is over the moon with it and carries his little Humf everywhere! Do you know how to add pictures to this so I can show you my creation? Take care

Melissa said...

Hello again, if you click on my name you should be able to see a picture of my little boy and his Humf teddy (set as my profile picture) :0)

Tracy said...

Hi Melissa, wow, first of all, WELL DONE ON YOUR MAKING OF HUMF TEDDY, it is absolutely excellent, looks like its been bought right out of the shops, u might be sitting on a small fortune maker there, really a job well done and i would buy one from you any day....:) wish i was that artistic and your little boy is such a cutie pie....:) definately upload a pic of your teddy, im sure alot of people will be hounding you for a hopefull buy, especially before xmas. Have you got time on your hands to make some more? wow, i really do think you have made such an great job....as far as loading a pic, try copy pic and paste into comment box, should work, hope so cause i really think you should be showing your humf creation off to everyone....thanks for letting us see it, my hubby is sooooo impressed aswell, lol, he was looking over my shoulder when i looked at your pic and the first thing he said was "oh my gosh, what, where, how?", meaning where on earth did the humf teddy come from, he knows how hard ive tried to sorce goods so he got over excited for a mo, and also agrees that its a job very well done....if u dont have any luck uploading your pic let me know and i will see if i can help....take care, and A+ to you....:)

Melissa said...

Hi Tracy! Thank you so much for kind comments about my Humf teddy bear, I'm really glad you like it and it's just so lovely to get nice comments about things you have made. Aw and bless you, really, would you buy one anyday? The Humf cartoon is just so popular, when Aaron has taken his toy Humf out, people have asked us where we got him from and children have pointed out "That boy has got a Humf!" , I bet if toys were out now they would have been the best seller this Christmas wouldn't they? Aaron's already asking me to make Humf's mum and dad and Wallace and Loon..., I think I'll have my work cut out over the next few months if I get round to having a go at making them too! Talking of which, I had been thinking I could possibly get another one Humf made in time for Christmas, and did originally think of putting one as a made to order type of thing on ebay, but I haven't got a massive amount of time on my hands as I have Aaron who just turned 3 in October and also another boy aged 7 months who doesn't like to be put down - ever!!! Also not sure if I could, copyright and everything as although I designed pattern and made the teddy, I didn't actually create the character Humf himself. What do you think? Although no official cuddly toy actually exists.... I really need to give the pattern to a large toy company so they could produce a few with their manufacturers! Wouldn't that be a dream?!
Oh yeah, I just tried to copy and paste another picture here but it wouldn't work. ;0( Any more ideas? Thanks again for the kind comments about my teddy, they really made me smile! Take care. Bye for now

Tracy said...

Hi Melissa, only a pleasure, a job very well done and i think u deserve the good comments, and OF COURSE I WOULD BUY ONE TODAY IF I COULD....:) The problem everyone is having at the moment is the fact that the programme has been aired, kids and parents have fallen in love with it, and its very sad that we have to wait so long for manufacturing of the humf goods, i understand its a long process on the part of the manufacturers ect, its just going to be sooooo hard when u look at the little ones christmas lists, if u look over my comments you will see a letter from Terri saying that her little one is after a Humf computer for christmas, bless him, so i think there are alot of excuses to be made to the kiddies this year as far as all there Humf christmas pressies they are after....good luck to everyone on the excuses. I understand what you mean by time, having a 3yr old and a 7mnth old, that just wont go down, eva, sorry but i had to smile with that comment, wont go down eva, lol, its very hard to sit down and actually concentrate on anything for more than 10m, but i do really think you should try and sell some on ebay, i have seen a few on ebay but nothing compared to yours, so i would really do that especially now before christmas. Im not sure about manufacturing either, it would be wonderful if you could get your pattern out there, maybe send an email to king rollo and see what they say, there is a lovely lady that works there and she always replies to emails....would you like me to copy your pic onto my blog along with the blog update i posted about your teddy? i didnt want to do it without your permission but if you ok with it then i will paste it onto my blog for everyone to see....:) again, a big well done to you on your creation, 5 stars....take care t x

Lucie said...

Hi all, I have been on the quest for humf toys for my 2 yr old twin girls for christmas when i found this blog. With reading your comments i can see that there won't be anything for sale for a while yet and it's really dissapointing to find that there won't be any toys out for christmas but thanks to you all for you efforts. Can i just say melissa, that your humf teddy looks absolutely gorgeous, tracy is right A* to you! You really ought to get your design out there to a big company like TY or something and if you're going to be making the others as well, well you're onto a winner there they would make a fortune. Please let us know if you are going to be making anymore my girls would adore them i would definately buy one. thankyou for sharing with us.

Jennifer said...

My son adores Humf aswell.Really wish they had brought out some merchandise for the christmas market.Hopefully we wont have to wait too long in 2010!Wow Melissa that Humf Teddy is fab!I would definitely buy one from you if your selling any!

Tracy said...

Thanks for your letters Lucie and Jennifer, sorry i couldnt help you with your search but at least now you know we have a little wait in store for all of us....:) I totally agree, Melissa has really impressed us all with her teddy, just a pity she didnt have more time to make some more, has her hands full at the mo with kiddies, and you know how that can be, wish i could help but useless i tell u at sewing....lol. U never know, if Melissa gets her pattern into the right hands she will really be over the moon with the possible "before xmas" orders....take care x Tracy

Melissa said...

Hello Ladies! Thank you all so much for your positive feedback about the Humf teddy I made, it really means a lot to me! Just to let you all know I have listed a bear like Humf for sale on ebay as a 'made to order in time for Christmas'. The item number is 110459801981 . Please take a peek when you get a chance. Thank you! Take care, Melissa.

Emma said...

Hi Tracy, my son (who'll be 2 in 2 weeks) absolutely loves humf too. I'm lucky and do have sky+, so as you can imagine, Humf is the only show we have on the TV ALL Day!! As soon as one show finishes, he's straight over with the remote 'Eop' 'Eop'. So i had the brain wave, 'why don't i get him a cuddly Humf toy for xmas' and just started my searching today. Luckily i stumbled across your blog before i'd wasted too many hours searching the web!! lol Well done you for taking the innitiative to create this blog and letting all of us other desperate mums know the bad news. I'm soo gutted as i know my little boy would LOVE a Humf.
I also have to agree with everyone else, Melissa you're Humf creation is totally amazing!!! I'm soo jealous and wish i had the skill to make one as well. Unfortuantely, i can't even sew a button, let alone a whole teddy!! lol
I have gone straight onto ebay today to see if i can get one of your creations, but i know demand is gonna be fierce and i don't think i'm gonna win it. :0( Is there anyway you could send me the pattern? My nan is pretty nifty with a needle and i could see if she'd make one for me?
Anyway, big thankyou Tracy and Melissa for all your hard work and helpful info!!
Take Care
Emma X

Melissa said...

Hi Tracy, If you get chance would you be able to email me on ebay through my ebay listing? Thank you very much x

Anonymous said...

hi tracy i am ashu here i am a mom of a 4 year old son i am 33years and i am still a kid myself.i love cartoon world so does my hubby we love to watch all the animated movies and have a quite collection.

i just understand how u are feeling as i feel the same about humf just now i was brousing the net to down load some cute pictures of humf so i can paint them and hung it in my sons room.i adore humf just as my son does.he loves to watch it so do i .we have a recorder at home so we record all his favourite cartoons so i have also some eposides of humf and my son loves to watch it again and again and i come running from kitchen to watch leaving everything around unattended.

i just love the sweet voice of humf and i can relate everything humf does to my son as he is very much like humf in many ways.

Teresa said...

Hi all
my daughter is 3 and a massive Humf fan she watches it every day, like all of ye i have tried every where to get a Humf'''but shop assistants used to look at me as if i was mad, as they obviously never heard of our LOVELY Humf. Thats all my daughter wants from santa is Humf, but is hard to explain to here that there is no humfs out yet she just says 'Santa will bring me one' bless her she will beso dissapointed on xmas morning. I tryed hmv music store and they said the DVD will be out 2 weeks before xmas... so i am hoping that they will be.. so ladies try hmv

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
My daughter is 2 and a massive Humf fan I am so dissappinted not to be able to buy dvds or merchandise for her from Santa but a huge thank you for saving my poor feet from hours of endlesss searching...by the way can I just say how impressive looking the Humf softtoy is made by one of the bloggers and can I just say we would definitely buy one from her .

Tracy said...

Hi guys, sorry for late reply but life has been pretty hectic my side....I still have my feelers out there and as Teresa says KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR DVD'S IN HMV....thanks for that info Teresa. Just want to say a big congrats to Melissa, her humf teddy sold like a dream on ebay, which i knew it would, job very well done Melissa, u have made a child very happy for xmas....x x x Keep checking my blog, amazon is apparently "very soon" going to be stocking humf goodies so im keeping in contact there to see when this is going to happen, will keep you all posted....take care fellow humf hunters x x

The Dawson Family said...

Hi everyone.
I'm also on the hunt for Humf items. We have the iron on transfers and the kids pants selling on e bay but were desperate for more Humf things. My little boy has just turned 4 and he adores him, even my 4 month baby loves him, well, he stares at the tv the whole time it's on lol

My sister made my son a lovely little tee shirt to weat for his birthday, he loved it. She's also done a pair of jeans and a top for christmas for him but i haven't seen them yet :(

I'm sure she would be willing to make these for others but she was a bit wary of selling them on e bay due to copy rights, her picture was hand drawn so i thought she could write it's a little purle furry thing 'similar' to humf. Here's a link to the top she did my son, if it works!!!


Samantha said...

Hi Tracy,
Loving your blog I have been looking for Humf merchandise since july myself i cannot understand why they have not pushed this through i think Humf is wonderful and when in the night garden started they saw how popular it was and got the merchandise out there asap, i hope they do make somethings as it would make my little boy so happy because he is always asking for him to be on. Its nice to know there are others out there desperately trying to find Humf.
Thank you for starting this it has stopped me going crackers

Samantha said...

just had email back from E1entertainment saying that they are talking to toy partners about licencing humf and cant give dates but will be launching a dvd in july :-(

Jamie Fry said...


I have made a HUMF lookalike of my own for my 2 year old daughter as ou cannot buy them anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!! my name is Jess and im a 27 year old optician with no children and I love humf too!!! He's just so sweet and kind and totaly cool!How gorgeous is the 'rain song' that loon and humf sing!! I think the toys some of you have made of him are awesome!!!
Thanks for creating this sitexo

Anonymous said...

Melissa, LOVE your humf teddy. I have been trying desperately to make a pattern but i darent even cut the fur ive bought cos im useless at art but good at making things!!! Would you happen to have a pattern I could buy or have from you please. My little girl is almost 4 and would love him for her Birthday , Lisa xxxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Hi guys, so sorry for taking so long to reply, life has been pretty hectic on my side for a long time now, unfortunately havent had a min. to sit and concentrate on much. Thanks to all for your letters, its so great to see so many people feel the same about our little friend humf x I am now back on my find humf mission, so watch this space and i will let u all know if i find out anything interesting, lol....these poor kiddies of ours, cannot believe they are taking so long to manufacture, a big congrats to Melissa, i knew she would do well with her teddy on ebay and got herself a small fortune for her first sale, well done melissa x take care and like i said, WATCH THIS SPACE x

ali said...

hi , would anyone have the pattern , i could try and throw if together for dd :)


ali said...

I have made humf tops and if i could post a pic i would :) but cant

but i have them on ebay


Tracy said...

Hi Ali, very well done on your humf t-shirt, what a good job.... :) If you like i can add it too my blog with your ebay link and maybe help you to get some traffic and some more sales....if you like i will just copy and paste your link with your pic and then it will show on my blog for whoever to see.... :) just let me know and i will be more than happy to give you a helping hand....again, well done im sure you will have many a sale on your gorgeous shirts x

ali said...

hi tracy , that would be great thanks ;)

Tracy said...

All done Ali x updated my blog yesterday so hope it brings u some sales x x x

Anonymous said...

I know I am just repeating more or less what everyone else has already said but .... WHY ARE WE STILL UNABLE TO BUY HUMF MERCHANDISE?!?!?!?!
It just does not make sense!!
They bring merchandise out in the Disney Shop for films that haven't even been released yet, but Humf has been on the telly for ages now!!
My daughter is 3 next month and she would be over the moon with a little Humf teddy to cuddle up with in bed at night.
I did bid on a replica Humf teddy on Ebay but I stopped my bid at £45.00 when my husband told me I was getting a bit 'carried away' !!
I'm so dissapointed. :(

Tracy said...

Hi Anonymous, i feel for you hun....all us moms are very frustrated at the wait....i guess they didnt realize how much Humf would be in demand but i agree, they should really be pushing the manufacturing of toys ect. Dvd is out but unfortunately thats just not enough, my little one wanted Humf goodies for christmas last year and my problem was "how do you tell a child that santa cant bring them what they want", i mean santa can make anything as far as a child goes....:) I was once again in contact with King Rollo offices the other day, they are now saying that toys will be in the shops by christmas 2011, which is a shocker as now we have another christmas to get through without Humf toys....im hoping they can hurry things up a bit, maybe the constant begging from parents will make them speed this up....As far as ebay goes, yes, Humf is selling for a small fortune, a teddy was sold for ova £100 pounds, beautiful teddy, looked like it was made professionally but i cant compete against those sort of prices....so in the mean time, i say we carry on with our begging and moaning and see if that does anything as far as the speeding up of Humf toys goes.... x take care x t x

Anonymous said...

so it now sept 9th 2010 and i still cant find humf toys. every1 is sayin 2011, maybe. if any1 is makin the humf teddys please get in touch with. i would be very interested if the price is right lol! would love 2 c my 2 yr olds face light up xmas morning because she has a humf!!

ali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ali said...

hi all

I am doing Humf tops different types and also I am doing Humf Pillow cases.I had to do it as my little one breathes and sleeps humf :)

all on ebay reasonable prices.






Anonymous said...

The company that distributes Humf have just signed a publishing deal with Igloo - so books are on the way! There is also an iphone app in production:

See link: http://www.licensing.biz/news/6025/eOnes-Humf-licensing-drive-gathers-pace

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bridann said...

My almost 15 month old loves Humf its the only thing that he will sit still and watch. He takes the remote control at any oportunty and I swear he trys to get Humf on, we are lucky enough to have Sky+ so we can watch Humf any time day or night!! I've managed to order a Humf DVD and started to look for other Humf merchandise when I came across this blog, from reading other posts I gather that a Humf DVD is as far as I am to get. I really wanted to get a Humf teddy for my little man. Am not going to give up though may try contacting makers of Humf anyone else tried this

Tracy said...

hi Bridann, great to hear from you :) your little one sounds too cute, 15mnths and already taking over the remote lol. I have contacted the correct people who have told me that only in summer will humf goodies hit the stores, which isnt too far away so before we know it we can go Humf mad and buy all the goodies. If you look on ebay for now, there are a few people who make really good Humf teddies, so for now, your little one might be happy with one of those, im sure she would be over the moon, they are really awsome teddies that these clever moms have put together :) watch this space as i am trying my hardest to let all the parents out there know what is happening re. humf release. Humf volume 2 can be pre ordered now from amazon or hmv, humf and the big boots. take care, tracy x

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been knitting and selling on Ebay TV characters like the Same Smile Panda's, Mr Tumble and Momo Bot from Show me Show me and am very interested in starting a Humf?? Does anyone know if it is copyrighted or would I be able to produce one for selling on Ebay??

Anonymous said...

I will be putting my car registration plate on retention this week and is up for grabs to the highest bidder! The Registration is H8UMF.

Hope to here from somebody soon! :)
Carl c_humphries_aiie@hotmail.com

Carl said...

I will be putting my car registration plate on retention this week and is up for grabs to the highest bidder! The Registration is H8UMF.

Hope to here from somebody soon! :)
Carl my mail address is c_humphries_aiie@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

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